Handcrafted 'Boutique' Baby Jeans...
Project Pomona Jeans, aka Pomonas, are made in limited runs locally in Houston, TX. The small company is run by full time mom of three, Meghan. Denim Options and Cuff Accents are always changing. Please see the Coming Soon Page for upcoming releases and expected availability dates.
Project Pomona loves to work with the Cloth Diapering Community and Bloggers!
"What sets Pomonas apart from other baby jeans is their 'Simple Snap waist system.' Instead of securing along the middle of the jeans, Pomonas have two sets of snaps, one on each hip and a center panel that secures over top. This clever design serves many purposes. First, it facilitates easy diaper changes. When unsnapped, Pomonas have a large opening in front so you do not need to remove the entire jean for a diaper change. My husband, who often gets flustered during those extra wiggly changes, said that Pomonas were, 'the easiest baby pants to work with.'" -First Time Mom, Blogger.

Meghan, the owner and designer of Project Pomona, is an accomplished visual artist born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. She graduated with a BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design. Her work is displayed both publically and privately throughout the country and internationally. To see her portfolio and resume, please visit www.meghanannroberts.com
How it began...
I received a wonderful gift of gently used baby clothes right before the birth of my first child back in 2008. I was so excited for her to wear them all. Much to my dismay, none of the super cute jeans, cords and non-knit pants really worked great over cloth diapers. Even sizing up left little room for her to comfortably sit or crawl. Once we had four little ones in the immediate family using cloth, I decided to design a pant that could be make out of denim, corduroy or any non-knit material that would still comfortably fit our kiddos. Afterall, a little boy just has to have a good pair of jeans no matter what type of diaper he is wearing.
The great thing I have found in the design process is that these pants work well for all sorts of shapes and sizes and ALL diaper types; not only is the waist adjustable, but the hip area is not constraining in the way most baby and toddler pants are made. Pair that with a turn up accent cuff and you get a truly adjustable pant. And did I mention that they are so easy to get on and off!
They were designed to work with cloth but work great over all diapers, disposables included. My youngest two were daily testers and modesl. They were really able to wear the same size for 8-12 months. Just think, one pair of jeans or shorts that really lasts through at least three traditional children's sizes. Give them a try and you'll see!
Why Pomona?
It all started with a silly nickname my grandmother gave me. As these things go that same nickname, Pomona, was bestowed upon my second born little girl when she made her world debut, but we never really thought anything more of it.
When brainstorming for a company name, Pomona kept coming to mind. So, I did a little homework and found out that Pomona was actually a Roman goddess, associated with fruitful abundance. Specifically, she was associated with the flourishing of trees, gardens and orchards- and the caring for their cultivation.
How does this relate to pants? After all, isn't this a more appropriate name for a landscaping company? Well, I can think of no better blessing than that of fruitful abundance and responsible cultivation to bestow upon a little one or our environment. For me it typifies how I feel responsible, sustainable businesses should be operated.
Many Project Pomona customers already make daily eco friendly choices that really do have a direct impact on their children and our Earth. This nurturing ideal is passed on and exemplified to their little ones in the hope that through them, and subsequent generations, positive changes can be made.
The big idea behind Project Pomona is to produce a single item that can be used over and over; a handcrafted, practical and durable item that accommodates the crazy growth spurts of a small child and can then be passed on and used again.
I do hope that Project Pomona can find a place in your eco friendly lifestyle.
*Photo courtesy of Callie Anne Photography