Big January Giveaway



Project Pomona would like to thank everyone for such an awesome year!  It was a ton of fun.  It has been great connecting with each and every customer and fan.  You are all wonderful!  There is a lot in store for 2013....!!!


Let's start the year of right with a fabulous Pomona giveaway!


This month the giveaway is for (2) Winners- Pomonas of your choice; (2) Winners- Pomona Gift Certificates !!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



 What are customers saying about Pomonas?

"Just ordered our second pair of Pomonas! we ordered the size one with lime cuff accent (we wanted them to be neutral so we can use them for baby#2 we love them so much) for our cloth-diapered little girl and they have taken a beating and still look brand new... over 20lbs later and I just ordered size twos as we've finally outgrown our first pair. ...I recommend these to everyone and have gotten compliments from all my mommy friends :) " ( PP FB Fan Post)

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I would love to see more fabric options like khaki cords!!!


My little guy isn’t talking yet, but blowing raspberries is his specialty!


We were driving to somewhere and my hubby took a sharp turn. My two year blurts out “Carlos, slow down!” I guess she’s heard me say that too often!!

Patty C

My 8 month old cant talk or sign, but he signals for more food by banging his right hand on the high chair tray and opening his mouth really big in true caveman style…we are starting to try to teach him a little bit of manners. :)

Tracy jones

I still have some baby pounds to lose and my son and I were talking about being chubby and he said “yeah mama, when are you going to get unfattened?” hehehe, only he could say that to me without me getting very offended!


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