Big December Giveaway

Posted by Meghan Roberts on

The Big December Giveaway is here, which means it is also approaching the end of the year...  Wow! It has flown by.  A little switch up for this month's giveaway ups the ante:

 (2) $10 Gift Certificates and 
(2) Winners will get the pair of Pomonas of their choice.


What a fun time for kiddos and a special time for families we are all upon.
Project Pomona hopes your homes are filled with lots of cookies, crafts and tons of laughter this month. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In response to the blog questions this month of a decoration that 'just makes it feel' like the Holidays, this would be mine.

It's quite grandmother had it when my mother was in high school and I am the lucky recipient on this family 'heirloom' made complete with pipe cleaners as the house trim ;) .... On the back it even states that it was made in Japan (not China).  But as a child I remember this on the kitchen counter glowing in the darkness each evening during Christmastime.  Now my children see this same wintertime scene each evening.  Fun!

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  • Now that my LO has a few pairs of Pomona jeans I really would love some corduroys. Aside from cords, I would love a pair of stretch denim with “grass” cuffs.

    Deborah on
  • For decorations, the tree is what does it for me. I also have some Christmas plates my mom gave me and I like to use those in December rather than regular ones.

    And for cookies, my MIL makes really good butter cookies.

    suzanne on
  • I want some corduroys!

    suzanne on
  • My favorite holiday treat is my mom’s sugar cookies that she was taught to make by her mom – this year while we are waiting for baby to show (due dec.31st) is my year to learn. :)

    Denise Pace on
  • On my wish list is the Eco Rockstar with teal cuffs :)

    Denise Pace on

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