Everything's Greener In Texas

Texas is a Great State!
Texas has some Amazing Small Businesses.
And there are Fantastic Bloggers Here.
Texas has some Amazing Small Businesses.
And there are Fantastic Bloggers Here.
Lalabye Baby and The Mama Journey think so as well!
August 8-10 is also a Sales Tax Holiday for Back to School Items.
That means no Sales Tax added on those items for Texas Residents/Shipping Addresses.
(Addresses outside of Texas Never pay Sales Tax)
That means no Sales Tax added on those items for Texas Residents/Shipping Addresses.
(Addresses outside of Texas Never pay Sales Tax)
So Let's Celebrate with a Giveaway!
And why not throw in the Discount Code: TEXASROCKS14 that works for each store:
Lalabye Baby - offers Super Cute Cloth Diapers (10% off with Code)
Project Pomona - the Best Jeans/Pants on the Market to Fit Over Cloth Diapers (17% off with code)
San Antonio Based The Mama Journey loves Texas Companies and Wants Her Followers to Hear about this Cool Event!
(Located in Texas and Want to Join in...email info (at) projectpomona(dot) com)
My favorite Texas blogger is baby rabies
We unfortunately do not have a local brick and mortar store :(
My favorite Eco business is PROJECT POMONA!
I love to shop at SnuggleBugz.
My favorite eco-business is Project Pomona! We love our grow-with-me cloth-diaper-friendly jeans!